Source code for pipe.reduce

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed Apr  1 23:14:41 2020

@author: Alexis Brandeker,

Collection of tools to manipulate CHEOPS data.


import warnings
import numpy as np
from scipy import interpolate
from scipy.ndimage import shift
from .cent import flux as cent_flux

[docs]def resample_imagette_time(sa_time, nexp): """Equidistantly distributes nexp exposures over the sa_time data points. This function is used to correct for a bug in imagette time recordings. """ DT = np.median(np.diff(sa_time)) v = np.linspace(-(nexp-1)/(2*nexp), (nexp-1)/(2*nexp), int(nexp))*DT return np.reshape(sa_time[:,None] + v[None,:],-1)
[docs]def resample_attitude(obs_mjd, exp_time, attitude): """Resamples table of attitude data (RA, DEC, ROLL, DROLL) to the midtimes of the observations of duration exp_time Note: exptime in seconds, mjd in days, DROLL is change in roll angle during exposure """ nrows = obs_mjd.shape[0] outparam = np.zeros((nrows, 5)) outparam[:,0] = obs_mjd rollin = attitude[:,3].copy() for n in range(1,len(rollin)): if rollin[n] > rollin[n-1]: rollin[n:] -= 360 dt = 0.5*exp_time/24/3600 t0 = attitude[0,0] t = attitude[:,0] - t0 knots = t[3:-3:5] spl = interpolate.LSQUnivariateSpline(t, rollin, knots) outparam[:,3] = spl(obs_mjd-t0) % 360 outparam[:,4] = np.abs(spl(obs_mjd-t0+dt)-spl(obs_mjd-t0-dt)) sample_dt = np.max(np.diff(attitude[:,0])) if sample_dt > 2*dt: dt = 0.5*sample_dt for n in range(nrows): t = obs_mjd[n] ind = np.abs(attitude[:,0]-t) <= dt outparam[n,1] = np.mean(attitude[ind,1]) # RA outparam[n,2] = np.mean(attitude[ind,2]) # DEC return outparam
[docs]def interp_cube(t, t0, datacube0): """Resample planes from datacube, no extrapolation """ ifun = interpolate.interp1d(t0, datacube0, axis=0, bounds_error=False, fill_value=(datacube0[0], datacube0[-1])) return ifun(t)
[docs]def interp_cube_ext(t, t0, datacube0): """Resample planes from datacube, with extrapolation """ tm = np.nanmedian(t) ifun = interpolate.interp1d(t0/tm, datacube0, axis=0, copy=True, fill_value='extrapolate', assume_sorted=True) return ifun(t/tm)
def coo_mat(shape, xc=0, yc=0): """Cordinate matrices defines x,y-coordinate matrices wrt to the defined center. """ xcoo = np.arange(shape[0]) - xc ycoo = np.arange(shape[1]) - yc xmat, ymat = np.meshgrid(xcoo, ycoo) return xmat,ymat
[docs]def aperture(shape, radius=None, xc=None, yc=None): """Returns a boolean 2D-array of the same dimensions as frame with True inside radius from (xc, yc), and False outside. Used to define disc apertures. Default is center of frame and maximum radius inscribing the frame. """ if radius is None: radius = int(0.5*np.min(shape)) if xc is None: xc = int(shape[0]/2) if yc is None: yc = int(shape[1]/2) xmat,ymat = coo_mat(shape, xc, yc) return xmat**2+ymat**2 < radius**2
[docs]def cube_apt(shape, radius, xc, yc): """Returns a cube with apertures for each plane along 0-axis defined by 1D-arrays xc and yc and constant radius. Used for rought photometry since aperture is not weighted along edges. """ xmat,ymat = coo_mat(shape[1:]) rcube2 = ((np.ones(shape)*xmat[None,:,:]-xc[:,None,None])**2 + (np.ones(shape)*ymat[None,:,:]-yc[:,None,None])**2) return rcube2 <= radius**2
def replace_nan(data, max_iter = 50): """Replaces NaN-entries by mean of neighbours. Iterates until all NaN-entries are replaced or max_iter is reached. Works on N-dimensional arrays. """ nan_data = data.copy() shape = np.append([2*data.ndim], data.shape) interp_cube = np.zeros(shape) axis = tuple(range(data.ndim)) shift0 = np.zeros(data.ndim, int) shift0[0] = 1 shift = [] for n in range(data.ndim): shift.append(tuple(np.roll(-shift0, n))) shift.append(tuple(np.roll(shift0, n))) for _j in range(max_iter): for n in range(2*data.ndim): interp_cube[n] = np.roll(nan_data, shift[n], axis = axis) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) mean_data = np.nanmean(interp_cube, axis=0) nan_data[np.isnan(nan_data)] = mean_data[np.isnan(nan_data)] if np.sum(np.isnan(nan_data)) == 0: break return nan_data def clean_masked(frame, mask, apt): """Cleans all bad pixels as defined by mask inside aperture apt, by averaging neighbouring pixels """ max_iter = 50 nan_frame = frame.copy() nan_frame[mask==0] = np.nan interp_cube = np.zeros((4, frame.shape[0], frame.shape[1])) shift = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)] for _j in range(max_iter): for n in range(4): interp_cube[n] = np.roll(nan_frame, shift[n], axis = (0,1)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) mean_frame = np.nanmean(interp_cube, axis=0) nan_frame[mask==0] = mean_frame[mask==0] mask = apt.copy() mask[np.isnan(nan_frame)] = 0 if not np.isnan(np.sum(nan_frame[apt])): break clean_frame = frame.copy() clean_frame[apt] = nan_frame[apt] return clean_frame def clean_cube(data_cube, mask, apt): """Cleans all bad pixels as defined by mask (2D or 3D) inside aperture apt, by averaging neighbouring pixels in both time and spatial dimensions. """ max_iter = 50 if mask.ndim == 3: mask_cube = mask.copy() else: mask_cube = np.zeros(data_cube.shape, dtype='?') mask_cube[:,:,:] = mask nan_cube = data_cube.copy() nan_cube[mask_cube==0] = np.nan interp_cube = np.zeros((6, data_cube.shape[0], data_cube.shape[1], data_cube.shape[2])) shift = [(-1, 0, 0), (1, 0, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, 0, -1), (0, 0, 1)] for _j in range(max_iter): for n in range(6): interp_cube[n] = np.roll(nan_cube, shift[n], axis = (0,1,2)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) mean_cube = np.nanmean(interp_cube, axis=0) nan_cube[mask_cube==0] = mean_cube[mask_cube==0] mask_cube[:,:,:] = apt[None, :, :] mask_cube[np.isnan(nan_cube)] = 0 if not np.isnan(np.sum(nan_cube[:, apt])): break clean_cube = data_cube.copy() clean_cube[:, apt] = nan_cube[:, apt] return clean_cube
[docs]def clean_cube2D(data_cube, mask, apt): """Cleans all bad pixels as defined by mask (2D or 3D) inside aperture apt, by averaging neighbouring pixels in spatial dimensions (not time). """ max_iter = 50 if mask.ndim == 3: mask_cube = mask.copy() else: mask_cube = np.zeros(data_cube.shape, dtype='?') mask_cube[:,:,:] = mask nan_cube = data_cube.copy() nan_cube[mask_cube==0] = np.nan interp_cube = np.zeros((4, data_cube.shape[0], data_cube.shape[1], data_cube.shape[2])) shift = [(-1, 0), (1, 0), (0, -1), (0, 1)] for _j in range(max_iter): for n in range(4): interp_cube[n] = np.roll(nan_cube, shift[n], axis = (1,2)) with warnings.catch_warnings(): warnings.simplefilter('ignore', RuntimeWarning) mean_cube = np.nanmean(interp_cube, axis=0) nan_cube[mask_cube==0] = mean_cube[mask_cube==0] mask_cube[:,:,:] = apt[None, :, :] mask_cube[np.isnan(nan_cube)] = 0 if not np.isnan(np.sum(nan_cube[:, apt])): break clean_cube = data_cube.copy() clean_cube[:, apt] = nan_cube[:, apt] return clean_cube
[docs]def check_mask(mask_cube, apt, clip=5, niter=3): """Checks the number of masked pixels for each mask of an array, and de-selects those frames that deviate more than clip sigma from the average. """ nmask = np.sum(mask_cube[:,apt]==0, axis=1) sel = np.ones(nmask.shape, dtype='?') for _n in range(niter): mmed = np.median(nmask[sel]) mstd = np.std(nmask[sel]) sel = nmask-mmed <= clip*mstd nbad = np.sum(sel==0) if nbad > 0: if nbad < 50: ret_str = 'Bad frame ({:d}/{:d}):'.format(nbad, len(sel)) ret_str += '{0}'.format(np.where(sel==0)[0].tolist()) else: ret_str = 'Bad frames: {:d}/{:d}'.format(nbad, len(sel)) else: ret_str = 'No bad frames out of {:d} detected.'.format(len(sel)) return sel, ret_str
[docs]def check_pos(xc, yc, clip=5, niter=3): """Filters positions deviating more than clip from the median (iterates niter times). Returns the selected frames that were not deviating. """ xc0, yc0 = np.median(xc), np.median(yc) r = ((xc-xc0)**2+(yc-yc0)**2)**0.5 sel = np.ones(r.shape,dtype='?') for _n in range(niter): s = np.std(r[sel]) sel = r < clip*s nbad = np.sum(sel==0) if nbad > 0: if nbad < 50: ret_str = 'Bad offsets, lim {:.2f} ({:d}/{:d}):\n'.format( clip*s, nbad, len(sel)) ret_str += '{0}'.format(np.where(sel==0)[0].tolist()) else: ret_str = 'Bad offsets, lim {:.2f}: {:d}/{:d}'.format( clip*s, nbad, len(sel)) else: ret_str = 'No bad offsets out of {:d}, lim {:.2f}, detected.'.format( len(sel), clip*s) return sel, ret_str
[docs]def check_motion(xc, lowfrac = 0.5): """Selects frames with positions after and before that are fairly consistent, with the goal to select frames with little motion blur. lowfrac is the fraction of frames to keep. """ sel = np.ones(xc.shape, dtype='?') X = np.array([xc[:-2],xc[1:-1], xc[2:]]) s = np.std(X, axis=0) level = np.percentile(s, 100*lowfrac) sel[1:-1] = (s < level) sel[0], sel[-1] = sel[1], sel[-2] ret_str = 'Motion filter ({:.0f}%, {:d} frames): PEAK {:.2f} pix, AVG {:.2f} pix'.format( lowfrac*100, np.sum(sel), level, np.mean(s[sel[1:-1]])) return sel, ret_str
[docs]def check_val(val, clip=5, niter=3): """Filters values in array deviating more than clip from the average (iterates niter times). Returns the selected frames that were not deviating. """ sel = np.ones(val.shape,dtype='?') val0 = np.median(val) for _n in range(niter): s = np.std(val[sel]) val0 = np.median(val[sel]) sel = np.abs(val-val0) < clip*s nbad = np.sum(sel==0) if nbad > 0: if nbad < 50: ret_str = 'Bad values ({:d}/{:d}):'.format(nbad, len(sel)) ret_str += '{0}'.format(np.where(sel==0)[0].tolist()) else: ret_str = 'Bad values: {:d}/{:d}'.format(nbad, len(sel)) else: ret_str = 'No bad values out of {:d} detected.'.format(len(sel)) return sel, ret_str
[docs]def check_low(val, clip=5, niter=3): """Filters values lower more than clip from the average (iterates niter times). Returns the selected frames that were not deviating. """ sel = np.ones(val.shape,dtype='?') val0 = np.median(val) for _n in range(niter): s = np.std(val[sel]) val0 = np.median(val[sel]) sel = ((val0-val) < clip*s) nbad = np.sum(sel==0) if nbad > 0: if nbad < 50: ret_str = 'Source missing ({:d}/{:d}):'.format(nbad, len(sel)) ret_str += '{0}'.format(np.where(sel==0)[0].tolist()) else: ret_str = 'Source missing: {:d}/{:d}'.format(nbad, len(sel)) else: ret_str = 'No frames {:d} with source missing.'.format(len(sel)) return sel, ret_str
[docs]def rough_contrast(cube, radius=25, mask=None): """Computes a rouch contrast (flux difference) between pixels inside aperture and outside aperture, for each frame. Used to determine of source is missing from image or not. """ if mask is None: xc, yc = cent_flux(np.abs(cube)) else: xc, yc = cent_flux(np.abs(cube)*mask) apt_in = cube_apt(cube.shape, radius, xc, yc) apt_out = (apt_in==0) if mask is not None: apt_in *= mask[None,:,:] apt_out *= mask[None,:,:] inmed = np.zeros(len(cube)) outmed = np.zeros(len(cube)) for n in range(len(cube)): inmed[n] = np.percentile(cube[n,apt_in[n]], 90) outmed[n] = np.percentile(cube[n,apt_out[n]], 90) return inmed-outmed
[docs]def noise(debias, ron_elec, e_per_ADU=1): """ Computes the photon + read-out noise of a bias subtracted frame (or cube). """ return (np.abs(debias)*e_per_ADU + ron_elec**2)**0.5 / e_per_ADU
[docs]def psf_noise(source_model, ron_elec, e_per_ADU=1): """ Uses a source model (PSF*scale+background) of the source to compute the photon + read-out noise. """ return (np.abs(source_model)*e_per_ADU + ron_elec**2)**0.5 / e_per_ADU
def empiric_noise(residual_cube, xc, yc, bg=None, niter=10, sigma_clip=3): """Checks the consistency of each plane in cube, offset to proper centre the PSFs. The resulting statistical noise is then offset back to original position, and a cube is returned with the empirical noise for each pixel and plane. The underlying assumption is that the noise is constant throughout the time line; e.g. varying background noise has to be added. """ shift_cube = np.zeros_like(residual_cube) noise_cube = np.zeros_like(residual_cube) xm = np.nanmedian(xc) ym = np.nanmedian(yc) dx = xc - xm dy = yc - ym for n in range(len(residual_cube)): shift_cube[n] = shift(residual_cube[n], (-dy[n], -dx[n]), order=1) shift_cube -= np.nanmedian(shift_cube, axis=0) Nsigma = sigma_clip*np.nanmax(np.abs(shift_cube), axis=0) for n in range(niter): shift_cube0 = shift_cube.copy() shift_cube0[np.greater(np.abs(shift_cube), Nsigma[None,:,:])] = np.nan Nsigma = sigma_clip * np.nanstd(shift_cube0, axis=0) for n in range(len(residual_cube)): noise_cube[n] = shift(Nsigma, (dy[n], dx[n]), order=1) if bg is not None: bgm = np.nanmedian(bg) bg_noise2 = bg - bgm noise_cube = np.abs(noise_cube**2 + bg_noise2[:,None, None])**.5 return noise_cube
[docs]def integrate_psf(psf_fun, radius=23): """Computes the flux of the psf inside radius. Used to normalise the PSF. """ x = np.linspace(-radius, radius, 2*radius+1) psf_mat = psf_fun(x,x) apt = aperture(psf_mat.shape, radius=radius) return np.sum(apt*psf_mat)
[docs]def pix_mat(datacube, noisecube, xc, yc, mask, fscale=None): """Turn a data cube into a pixel matrix with columns y-coordinate, x-coordinate, pixel value, pixel value noise the mask can either be a 2D plane or 3D cube (True = select, False mask out). """ xmat, ymat = coo_mat(datacube[0].shape) N = len(datacube) # Number of frames npix = np.sum(mask) # Number of pixels per frame if mask.ndim == 3: totpix = np.sum(mask) else: totpix = N*np.sum(mask) mask0 = mask n0 = 0 npix = np.sum(mask) pix = np.zeros((totpix, 5)) if fscale is None: fscale = np.ones(len(datacube)) for n in range(N): if mask.ndim == 3: mask0 = mask[n] npix = np.sum(mask0) n1 = n0 + npix pix[n0:n1, 0] = ymat[mask0]-yc[n] pix[n0:n1, 1] = xmat[mask0]-xc[n] pix[n0:n1, 2] = datacube[n][mask0]/fscale[n] pix[n0:n1, 3] = noisecube[n][mask0]/fscale[n] n0 = n1 return pix
[docs]def make_maskcube(data_cube, noise_cube, model_cube, mask=None, clip=5): """Find pixels that deviate too much from fitted models, and produce a cube of masks. """ mask_cube = np.ones(data_cube.shape, dtype='?') mask_cube[np.greater(np.abs(data_cube - model_cube), clip*noise_cube)] = 0 if mask is not None: mask_cube *= mask return mask_cube