Source code for pipe.syntstar

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Wed May 13 22:36:13 2020

@author: Alexis Brandeker,

Module with the star_bg class and methods to use the catalog file of background
stars (retrieved from Gaia) to produce synthetic images of the field of view
observed by CHEOPS, using an empirical PSF.
import numpy as np
from import fits

[docs]class star_bg: """Reads catalogue data on background stars and produces images of stars, to be removed from observations. Adjusts PSFs with rotational blurring and computes smearing trails. """ def __init__(self, starcatfile, maxrad = None, shape=(200,200)): # CHEOPS pixel scale calibrated on HD80606 <-> HD80607 at (x,y)= (280,828) self.pxl_scl = 0.9969498004253621 # CHEOPS pixel scale, arcsec/pixel self.xpos, self.ypos, self.fscale, self.Teff = \ self.read_starcat(starcatfile, maxrad) self.shape = shape self.catsize = len(self.fscale)
[docs] def read_starcat(self, starcatfile, maxrad = None): """Reads star catalogue file as generated by the DRP. """ with as hdul: cat = hdul[1].data if maxrad is None: N = len(cat) else: N = np.searchsorted(cat['distance'], maxrad) if 'MAG_CHEOPS' in hdul[1].columns.names: fscale = 10**(-0.4*(cat['MAG_CHEOPS'][:N] - cat['MAG_CHEOPS'][0])) elif 'MAG_GAIA' in hdul[1].columns.names: # Name change in DRP v13 fscale = 10**(-0.4*(cat['MAG_GAIA'][:N] - cat['MAG_GAIA'][0])) else: raise Exception(f'[read_starcat] Error: magnitude column not defined') dx = ((cat['RA'][0]-cat['RA'][:N]) * np.cos(np.deg2rad(cat['DEC'][0])) * 3600.0 / self.pxl_scl) dy = ((cat['DEC'][:N]-cat['DEC'][0]) * 3600.0 / self.pxl_scl) Teff = cat['T_EFF'][:N] return dx, dy, fscale, Teff
[docs] def rotate_cat(self, rolldeg): """Rotates the relative x and y positions of background stars according to submitted roll angle in degrees. """ return rotate_position(self.xpos, self.ypos, rolldeg)
[docs] def rotate_entry(self, entry, rolldeg): """Rotates the relative x and y positions for a single background star according to submitted roll angle in degrees. """ return rotate_position(self.xpos[entry], self.ypos[entry], rolldeg)
[docs] def brightest(self, radius): """Returns flux of brightest background star in radius, in units of target brightness """ R2 = self.xpos[1:]**2 + self.ypos[1:]**2 ind = R2 < radius**2 if np.sum(ind) > 0: return np.max(self.fscale[1:][ind]) return 0
[docs] def image(self, x0, y0, rolldeg, psf_fun, shape=None, skip=[0], limflux=0, single_id=None, max_psf_rad=70): """Produces image with background stars at defined roll angle. skip is a list of entries to be skipped. limflux is at what fractional flux of the target background stars should be ignored. The single_id is to select and draw an image of the selected star only. """ if shape == None: shape = self.shape dx, dy = self.rotate_cat(rolldeg) xcoo = np.arange(shape[1]) - x0 ycoo = np.arange(shape[0]) - y0 ret_img = np.zeros(shape) if single_id is None: id_range = range(self.catsize) else: id_range = [single_id] for n in id_range: if n in skip: continue # Skip faint stars if self.fscale[n] < limflux: continue if self.fscale[n] > 0.1: # Really bright psf_rad = min(70, max_psf_rad) elif self.fscale[n] > 1e-3: # Pretty bright psf_rad = min(50, max_psf_rad) else: # Not so bright psf_rad = min(30, max_psf_rad) i = int(x0 + dx[n]) i0 = i - psf_rad # Skip stars further than PSF radius outside image if i0 >= shape[1]: continue i1 = i + psf_rad if i1 <= 0: continue i0 = max(i0, 0) i1 = min(i1, shape[1]) j = int(y0 + dy[n]) j0 = j - psf_rad if j0 >= shape[0]: continue j1 = j + psf_rad if j1 <= 0: continue j0 = max(j0, 0) j1 = min(j1, shape[0]) ddx = xcoo[i0:i1] - dx[n] ddy = ycoo[j0:j1] - dy[n] psf_mat = psf_fun(ddy, ddx) if psf_mat.ndim == 1: psf_mat = np.reshape(psf_mat, (1, len(psf_mat))) xmat,ymat = np.meshgrid(ddx,ddy) psf_mat[xmat**2+ymat**2 > psf_rad**2] = 0 ret_img[j0:j1,i0:i1] += self.fscale[n] * psf_mat return ret_img
[docs] def rotblur(self, x0, y0, rolldeg, blurdeg, psf_fun, oversample=1, shape=None, skip=[0], limflux=1e-3, single_id=None, max_psf_rad=70): """Returns an image (as defined by previous method) blurred by rotation. blurdeg is how many degrees the field rotates during exposure. """ if shape == None: shape = self.shape resolution = np.rad2deg(1/np.max(shape))/oversample N = int(blurdeg / resolution) + 1 rolldegs = rolldeg + 0.5 * blurdeg * np.linspace(-1, 1, N) ret_img = np.zeros(shape) for roll in rolldegs: ret_img += self.image(x0, y0, roll, psf_fun, shape=shape, skip=skip, limflux=limflux, single_id=single_id, max_psf_rad=max_psf_rad)/N return ret_img
[docs] def smear(self, x0, y0, rolldeg, blurdeg, psf_fun, shape=None, limflux=1e-2, max_psf_rad=70): """Computes the smearing trail for all stars, including target. Returns a 1D array that can then be properly expanded to a 1D image. """ if shape == None: shape = self.shape im = self.image(x0, y0, rolldeg, psf_fun, shape=shape, skip=[], limflux=limflux, max_psf_rad=max_psf_rad) return np.sum(im, axis=0)
[docs]def rotate_position(x, y, rolldeg): """Function that rotates coordinates according to roll angle (in degrees) """ rollrad = np.deg2rad(rolldeg) cosa = np.cos(rollrad) sina = np.sin(rollrad) xroll = x * cosa + y * sina yroll = -x * sina + y * cosa return xroll, yroll
[docs]def derotate_position(xroll, yroll, rolldegs): """Function that de-rotates coordinates according to roll angle (in degrees) """ return rotate_position(xroll, yroll, -rolldegs)