Getting started --------------- This is an example reduction process using PIPE to analyse the In-Orbit Commissioning observations of the transit of KELT-11, which are available for download on `DACE `_. .. note:: Due to some python quirks and that PIPE uses the multiprocessing module, this script cannot be run in an interactive python session but has to be executed independently as ``python``. Default is to use up to system CPU cores-1 number of threads. Some parts are not parallelised yet, in particular the smearing correction part that can be a bottleneck. .. warning:: PIPE is not optimised for RAM usage. Rule of thumb is that 6 MB per subarray frame is used, so ~8 GB for the 1500 frames of the Kelt-11 visit. This likely means that about 16 GB is recommended. I have only tried on systems with much more RAM than that, so no guarantees. The photometric extraction for subarrays and imagettes of the Kelt-11 data in this example takes about 1 minute on a 2015 MacBook Pro. Producing PSF models takes additional 90 min. Normally previous PSF models from stars of similar spectral type and located on the same part of the detector can be used, so no need to derive new PSF models for every visit. First, we import the PIPE objects that we'll need access to: .. code-block:: python from pipe import PipeParam, PipeControl We next initialise a parameter object. Here we have put the data from DACE in the ``data_root/Kelt-11/101/`` directory .. code-block:: python pps = PipeParam('Kelt-11', '101') Next we set the sub-array range to extract a light curve for only a fraction of the full observation. This is mostly used for testing with shorter execution time. The format is (e.g.) ``pps.sa_range = (10, 20)`` for starting frame 10 and end frame 20. Imagettes are limited to the same epoch range (so higher frame number range). .. code-block:: python pps.sa_range = (10, 20) Next is the number of the PSF principal component library "eigenlib"- file that has been previously produced. In this case the filename is "eigenlib_815_281_70_0.pkl" where the last number is the running number. .. code-block:: python pps.psflib = 0 We can optionally use dark subtraction, but for the purposes of this tutorial we'll turn off this feature: .. code-block:: python pps.darksub = False In particular for faint objects, flux has been shown to correlate well with determined background. The reason is likely a neglected non-linearity of the detector at low exposure levels. This tweak corrects for the low- exposure linearity and strongly reduces the flux-background correlation. When we have the non-linearity better characterised, this will go into the regular non-linearity correction. .. code-block:: python pps.non_lin_tweak = True The pipe_control object contains high-level methods .. code-block:: python pc = PipeControl(pps) Process the data using 10 principal PSF components (how many are available depends on the library). How many components that is optimal to use varies with circumstances. Too few and the varying PSF is not fit. Too many and noise is fitted. Rule of thumb: ``klip=1`` to ``5`` for faint targets without imagettes, ``klip=10`` for bright targets. .. code-block:: python pps.klip = 10 pc.process_eigen() Output data is put in the output directory. ``residuals_sa.fits`` is a fits-cube and contains residuals between fitted PSF and data, and can be used to inspect if there are systematics left. ``maskcube_sa.fits`` displays what pixels were masked during the fitting process. .. note:: The next step need only to be taken if a new set of PSF functions is to be produced. It takes about 40 min per iteration, for 3 iterations. Produce a set of PSFs from the observations (default is one PSF per CHEOPS orbit). These PSFs are used for deriving principal components for PSF variability. PSFs from several visits can be combined for the principal component analysis, but they should be centered on the same location on the detector (since the PSF varies with location). .. code-block:: python pc.make_psf_lib()