Installation ------------ To install PIPE, run:: git clone cd PIPE python install PIPE uses python3 and requires the following packages: numpy, scipy, astropy Required file structure +++++++++++++++++++++++ PIPE uses astropy's configuration machinery to manage for your default data and reference library locations. By default, you will find an empty directory in .. code-block:: python >>> from pipe.config import cache_dir >>> print(cache_dir) # doctest: +SKIP '~/.astropy/cache/.pipe-cheops' Data from DACE should be placed in ``cache_dir``, in a subdirectory called: ``data_root/name/visit/``, where ``name`` is the name of your target, and ``visit`` is an index for the visit number. Output will then be saved to ``data_root/name/visit/Outdata/version/`` where "version" is a number. Multiple versions can be generated in the ``Outdata`` directory, e.g. from multiple runs with different input parameters. Reference files are put into a subdirectory of ``cache_dir`` called ``ref_lib_data/``. These files might include: the gain correction file: ``CH_TU2020-02-18T06-15-13_REF_APP_GainCorrection_V0109.fits``, the flat field library: ``flats.fits``, and the non-linearity correction: ``nonlin.txt``. PSF-files that are constructed by PIPE will be stored within ``cache_dir`` in ``ref_lib_data/psf_lib/``, as are ``eigenlib``, libraries of principal PSF components, also generated. If you would like to direct PIPE towards different locations for the ``data_root`` and ``ref_lib_data`` directories temporarily (within the specific Python instance you're currently running), you can set them by setting the following variables: .. code-block:: python from pipe import conf conf.data_root = 'path/to/data_root' conf.ref_lib_data = 'path/to/ref_lib_data If you'd like to set the path to the ``data_root`` and ``ref_lib_data`` directories more permanently, for each and every time PIPE accesses them, you can edit the paths in ``pipe/config/conf.json`` and run ``python install``. Usage +++++ PIPE needs a library of PSF principal components to extract PSF photometry. This "eigen" library is generated from derived PSF functions. The PSF functions can be derived from several visits to improve their quality, in particular if the visits are short. By default on PSF function is dervied per CHEOPS orbit, so long visits will have several PSF functions derived. For a visit, PSF functions are generated by `~pipe.pipe_control.PipeControl.make_psf_lib`. This is a time consuming process (~ hours) and takes advantage of multiple CPU cores (up to one thread per PSF being derived). PCA analysis of the PSFs is fast (a few seconds), and is performed by `~pipe.pipe_control..PipeControl.make_eigen`. Once the eigenlib is generated (it is put into ``ref_lib_data/psf_lib/`` by default) it can be used for photometric extraction. Input parameters are defined in a `~pipe.pipe_param.PipeParam` object, that is input to a `~pipe.pipe_control.PipeControl` object.